Please scroll down, only the written descriptions and details are listed here below for your convenience.  Bub is with you every step of the way: from start-to-finish he'll make every piece... one-by-one, each by hand!!   If you have any questions or you would like to place an order, just call us direct: 

Phone: (913) 240-5965

Monday - Friday 11AM - 6PM **Central Time

(Please Note: This page is intended as a -text only- reference resource guide.)

Rear Visors

Available in: 

Bad Bow Tie Visor (BBT)

This item was the first Original Authentic Visor on record from back in March of 2005 Clint Moore and Richie Acosta approached us regarding Project 350, it won "Best in Show" at MATS.

Some of the other hand fabricated custom pieces on his truck were the smooth deck plate, exhaust and trunk. 

Visor is also available in:

Bad Bad Bow Tie Visor (BBBT)

Bow Tie Visor for a 359

"32 F" Visor

This visor is also available in: 

GED Visor

This visor was made popular by winning at MATS in 2007 on Marcus Gidden's truck.

KopyKat Plus Visor

Mirror Brackets

These are door mounted, dropped mirror brackets. 

Stainless Connector Box

Step Plate Cover

Shox Box

Cab and Sleeper Panels (aka: Cab Skirts, aka Cowl Panels)



Fender Brackets

We've had inquiries and would like to confirm these ARE available by request!  

I-Boxes,  Light Bars,  Window Chops aka: Window Drops and more!...just call Bub (913) 240-5965!!

"Duplicating the talents of another serves no one well, least of all...you." L. Bevere 

Please Note: Not manufactured! All items showcased on this site are both intellectual property and are exclusive original metal fabrications of William "Bub" and Tanya Poff.  Each item is 100% hand made onsite at Address: 18911 Chmidling Drive Leavenworth, Kansas 66048-8493 CELL: (913) 240-5965. EMAIL: bubtanya@builtbybub.com All products are solely the responsibility of the end user. All photography and images are courtesy of the respective owners' and/or this website. * Patents Pending. All rights reserved.  Copyright© 2008-Present  Revised on: February 29, 2020.  Ad-Free and made exclusively for Weld Shop, LLC. 

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GPS Location: 39° 24' 37" N  -  95° O' 55" W (+/- 19 ft.)